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Truck Camper Forum > General > General Discussion
Recently I had my first experience with a large truck camper. I am happy to say that even though I had way too much drama the first week I now know that this arrangement will work for my fishing trips. Other than quality issue's the main complaint I had was the excessive sweating. I could literally drench a handful of paper towels multiple times a day. I have never noticed this much moisture in any of my other rigs. Should I just expect this condition since even large campers are small compared to TT's and MH's?
even on my 30' 5th wheel I find I have to open the top vent during heating season to let the condensation out.
Backroad Joe
I just spent three rainy days in my Palomino Bronco with very little condensation. Even with the heat on a couple of windows with 1" open and the roof vents just cracked open.

I learned this with tent camping. There needs to be ventilation. The average person exhales about one quart of moisture while sleeping.
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