Rodg here, i have been building my own truck camper for like 7 or 8 months now. I have been reading this web site for about 6 months now and i am amazed with all the useful information i have rec'd from the truck camper community. This has been a learning experience for me and i appreciate all the input info. I know i need Air Bags and i read up on that topic and was surprised to learn there was a bolt problem. That is one thing i learned. Also the upgrade in tires on my 96 Dodge 2500 diesel truck which has 8ply tires on it now. This web site is very informative and has been a great help to me. I have a blog i have started showing Pictures of the construction of my camper. I am in the process of updating it, but it's a start. If any member is interested in looking, visit my blog @ http:/homebuilt-trkcamper.blogspot.../